Friday, September 24, 2010

Current Projects

Heya folks,

I hope you've (you? or you over there? any of you?) noticed that the website has gotten a bit of a makeover in recent days. Expect more updates! All-new! With actual information! One of my eternal resolutions is to keep the website current. In the past, I've spent more time thinking about this than actually doing it. Thanks to CJ for implementing all the changes.

And now for actual news!

BAD SHOE: I know it seems (it certainly does to us!) like Ellen and I just put out an issue of Bad Shoe. Well we did. However, our production schedule has been slightly behind, and we're going to try to release the magazine at the beginning or middle of a season like responsible folks, rather than at the very last day of the season like the lazy procrastinators that we are. Soooo if you please, we are once again seeking submissions, this time for our year-anniversary issue. A year? you say. My, how time flies! TELL US ABOUT IT!!

This will be a single issue featuring the delightful artwork of Mary Philips. Our last issue was so freaking fantastic, we can't wait to see the stuff you ladies have been writing lately. So show us, please, pretty please? And send your words this way.(, include "Bad Shoe" in subject line).

I am also collecting submissions for Redbrick Omnibus, an anthology of art and writing about Saint Louis. I am editing this (perhaps yearly) journal with Nicole Rainey, a supreme wordstress and zine maven. The idea of the collection is to celebrate St. Louis for all its assets and aspects, but not blindly or in bias. While this would not be a good place for your "Fuck St. Louis" rant, nor would it be ideal for trite odes. We are looking for the complex and the gritty, that which captures the ironic trash-ful beauty of this landscape. There are no length or format requirements, only that it be reproducible in a smallish 2D format.

We are also looking for an art editor to help us with the project. You will receive a token monetary stipend but mostly will just fulfill your innate desire to do something beautiful for this city. Your responsibilities would be pretty straightforward: help collect visual representations of the above mission statement for the collection.

If you are interested in either contributing or editing please e-mail with the subject heading "Redbrick Omnibus":

LITERATURE FOR THE HALIBUT: And finally, I am very pleased to be speaking about poetry, reading my own or favorite poems, and answering questions about local publishing once again on KDHX's Literature for the Halibut this November 15th, this time with host Anne Haubrich, whom I admire greatly. Ellen Herget will be joining me for a portion of the show. It is always great fun and wonderful chance to interact with the STL literary community.

See ya then, thanks for reading. Later gators.

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